Dr. Veronica Okello wins the prestigious UNESCO-TWAS Research Grant
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Dr. Veronica Okello (Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Sciences, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Machakos University ) together with Dr. Elizabeth Ndunda (Senior lecturer, Department of Physical Sciences, Machakos University) and Dr. Victor Shikuku (Lecturer, Department of Physical Sciences, Kaimosi Friends University) as collaborators win the prestigious UNESCO- TWAS grant of USD 47,000 for the Project “Biosorption isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics studies of fluoride and arsenic on nano‐enabled hydrochar and Fe‐based metal organic framework hydrochar”.
The research project is aimed at providing a green remediation solution to the environmental issues arising from Fluoride and Arsenic contamination. The grant will support two MSc students in addition to purchasing research equipment. The Department of Physical Sciences congratulates Dr. Okello for this achievement.