Dr. Veronica Okello wins the prestigious UNESCO-TWAS Research Grant
Dr. Veronica Okello (Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Sciences, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Machakos University ) together with Dr. Elizabeth Ndunda (Senior lecturer, Department of Physical Sciences, Machakos University) and Dr. Victor Shikuku (Lecturer, Department of Physical Sciences, Kaimosi Friends University) as collaborators win the prestigious UNESCO- TWAS grant of USD 47,000 for the Project “Biosorption isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics studies of fluoride and arsenic on nano‐enabled hydrochar and Fe‐based metal organic framework hydrochar”.

Dr. Veronica Okello receives a special recognition award under women researchers
Dr. Veronica Okello, a researcher in the Department of Physical Sciences, Machakos University, receives a special recognition award under women researchers in the category of Physical Sciences, Technology and Innovation at the inaugural Kenya National Research Festival 2024 held from 19th to 23rd August 2024 at the Edge Convention Centre, College of Insurance-Nairobi.

PhD in Chemistry student from Machakos University in Freiberg University of Mining and Technology for six months research visit
Ms. Rose Tomno, a PhD Chemistry student in the Department of Physical Sciences, Machakos University is undertaking a six month PhD traineeship program at Freiberg University of Mining and Technology in Germany under TUBAF- ERASMUS + project in which Machakos University is one of the collaborating partners.

Department of Physical Sciences hosts Dr. Ing. Martin Kofi Mensah (Ph.D.) from Freiberg University of Mining and Technology (TU BAF)
Machakos University, in partnership with Freiberg University of Mining and Technology (TU BAF) in Germany through the YEMAYA-Women in science program and other African universities, was privileged to win the Erasmus+ Call2022-KA1-Learning Mobility of Individuals programme grant.

Department of Physical Sciences hosts Prof. Dr. Sören Thiele-Bruhn from the University of Trier, Germany
The Department of Physical Sciences hosted Prof. Dr. Sören Thiele-Bruhn from the University of Trier, Germany from 3rd March 2024 to 11th March 2024. Prof. Soren is working with Prof. Zachary Getenga in a collaborative research project funded by Alexander Von Humboldt foundation under the Research group Linkages programme.

Prof. Getenga Wins Grant of €130,730
Prof. Getenga, a professor of Chemistry in the Department of Physical Sciences, in partnership with Julich Research Centre (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Germany has been awarded a funding of €130,730 for a collaborative project “Atlas of Green Hydrogen Generation Potentials in Africa (H2ATLAS-AFRICA)”.

Motivational talk at Ngamba Secondary School
The Department of Physical Sciences holds a motivational talk at Ngamba Secondary School, Muthetheni, Machakos County on 30th March 2023

The Department Hosts Prof. Jean-Luc Ayitou As A Visiting Professor
The Department of physical sciences was privileged to host a diaspora fellow, Prof. Jean-Luc Ayitou from the University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) USA in the month of July 2023. During his visit..

Scholar visit at University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC)
Dr. Veronica Okello from the Department of Physical Chemistry is currently on a short-term scholar visit at University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC)..

Master of Science (Chemistry),1st Cohort
The Department of Physical Sciences graduates its first cohort with Master of Science (Chemistry), Bachelor of Science in Analytical Chemistry and Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Technology degrees in the 7th Graduation Ceremony held on 28th April 2023. Congratulations to the 2022 graduation class. The Department is proud of you.

Proposal Presentation
Bachelor of Science in Analytical Chemistry and Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Technology students presenting their research proposals for their fourth year research project during a proposal presentation seminar held on 29th September 2022.

Dr. Veronica Okello was invited to deliver a talk at the Molecular Foundry User Meeting on Friday, August 19, 2022 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
Ms. Rose Tomno, a master’s student in the pioneer MSc Chemistry class at the Department of Physical Sciences, defends her Master’s thesis in a defense seminar held on 8th April 2022.
Dr. Edgar Owiti and Dr. Veronica Okello win internal research grant in the 5th MksU call for internal research grant 2021/2022
Prof. Zachary Getenga and Prof. Dr. Sören Thiele-Bruhn of the Department of Soil Science, University Trier receive the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Group Linkage Programme funding.
Dr. Veronica Okello, top scientist in the Department of Physical Sciences, is featured in Nature, where she talks about her research career, opportunities and challenges faced. Follow this link to read the whole article.
Dr. Elizabeth Ndunda, a researcher in the Department of Physical Sciences, blog article on developing sensors for monitoring of environmental pollutants in Kenya is featured in the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) website, where she discusses her research as a FLAIR Fellow. Follow this link to read the whole article

Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation Equipment Subsidy
Professor Zachary Getenga’s application to Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation for equipment subsidy goes through leading to purchase of modern ultra-high performance liquid chromatography. This equipment will be useful in training and research by equipping students with hands-on knowledge on HPLC system and its application.
Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship
Dr. Veronica Okello wins Carnegie Africa Diaspora Fellowship (CADF) for the Department of Physical Sciences to host Professor Onchoke of Stephen F. Austin State University and Professor Ayitou of Illinois Institute of Technology, USA for purposes of carrying out collaborative research, teaching/mentorship of graduate students and curriculum development.

FLAIR Collaboration Grant 2020
Dr. Elizabeth Ndunda has been awarded FLAIR collaboration initiation grant together with Prof. Subrayal Reddy of the University of Central Lancashire, UK to initiate a collaborative research on “Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Water and Soil Pollution Detection and Purification”.